Christmas Wishes from the Trussell Trust
9th January 2020
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2019 has been a busy year for food banks across the Trussell Trust network. Our recent figures show that last December was the busiest on record, with food banks providing 186,185 emergency food parcels. This figure was up 15% from the previous year and this December, it looks likely that we will be in the unenviable position of beating this record again.
In order to meet the increased demand for emergency food, food banks and the Trussell Trust have had to ask more of their supporters and volunteers. People like you.
This Christmas we would like to say a huge thank you for everything you have done to help us fight the injustice of hunger and poverty. Your support means that families in crisis are not alone; it means that children are able to get emergency food and that people who are struggling and forced to use a food bank, feel that someone is in their corner.
We’re working together towards a future where nobody ever needs to visit a food bank and we can’t do it without people like you. We’re very grateful for your support.
From all of us at the Trussell Trust and the Foodbank Network, we wish you a very peaceful Christmas and a happy and healthy 2020.