
COVID-19 update

17th March 2020

Following the Covid-19 update yesterday, please see below the Dorking Area Foodbank contingency plan.  This may of course change and you will be updated accordingly.


Who we can help

  • There is no change to this.  The aim of the foodbank is to support those in financial crisis and who do not have the means to buy food so would otherwise go hungry.  All food distributed by the foodbank is donated by local people who have bought it to help the less fortunate.   Unfortunately, we are unable to provide food to those who are financially able to buy it but who are simply unable to do so due to the effects of stockpiling or self-isolation.


Food vouchers 

  • Those in financial crisis would normally be asked to source a food voucher from a local referral agency and bring it to the foodbank where they would redeem it for a food parcel.  We are temporarily suspending the requirement to bring a voucher.   However, we do ask that only those who are in financial crisis come to the foodbank for assistance.


Food parcels

  • Food parcels are normally made up on-site with an allocation to suit the individual’s household size. Toiletries etc are also usually provided.  We are temporarily suspending this process.   All foodbank clients will be issued with a standardised pre-packed bag of staple food items only.
  • We are unable to deliver food parcels.


Visiting the foodbank

  • Clients must only come to the foodbank if they are not symptomatic.  It they are presenting with Covid-19 symptoms, then they must not come but ask someone who is not symptomatic to come to the foodbank for them.
  • No catering/refreshments will be provided.
  • No voucher is required.  However, clients will be asked to provide their name and the number of adults and children in their household in place of a voucher.
  • Contact will be limited.   Clients must leave after being handed their pre-packed bag.
  • The foodbank will continue to run out of the Christian Centre cafe area.  This may change to another area of the centre but this will be signposted if and when that happens.
  • The opening days will remain the same but the sessions will be reduced to one hour only – Tuesday 4.45pm-5,45pm and Thursday 2.30pm-3.30pm.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.  This plan may have to change.  As and when this happens we will share any updates asap.

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